Class Evaluation
To start, the things mostly appreciated in this class are the manners we learn to share. In other classes students seem different as in they don't know how to behave. However, in this class, student act respectfully not only to the teacher but also to their classmates. I really likes this because I can see what we have learn developing in other students and in myself. This class teaches us that we can be different or at least try every day, harder and harder.
Some things I didn't like about this class was that I couldn't fully agree to everything Mr. Haymore said. It made me think twice about my own beliefs and self teachings but I don't know if this was right. Right now I have decided that I can think my own way, and go to my self-beliefs but still be respectful for his ideas. It doesn't matter if we are both different, both of our opinions still matter.
I recommend for Mr. Haymore to improve on his actions and tasks and less on his words. I agree that teaching students about this specific subject is incredibly great, but students want more to do and for him to show us what's best to do, instead of having to hear it. Most thing are hard for us teens to hear and believe. Also, there are some sayings that what comes to one ear comes out through the other. Definitely, his teaches are great and are capable of improving one's life, but to give it a push I would recommend this.
A highlight for me in this class was the way Mr. Haymore is convinced as he teaches. Most teachers teach because that's there job, but in this case it looks as if this is his passion. I wouldn’t judge is a teacher wasn’t satisfied with their subject or work, but I also appreciate when they do. Mr. Haymore is one kind man and I love seeing him love his students aswell. I am good at spotting small things, and this is one of the many highlights I’ve seen,
I believe that I did do my best in this class. Although this was an easy class for me, I am sure there would be other students who wouldn’t even try to pass it. This is my 3rd Block class, and also my elective. This block gives me a chance to find or think about my future. I can right goals for myself. I can also see this more than just an education class, I can see it as a one more step to my life.
I am also reading and writing on my Life Planning Goals Journal at least five minutes daily and reporting them to my E-Portfolio. This journal is where I make and think about goals I want to accomplish in my life. Some of these goals are either educational, familiar, or for myself. At the end all of these goals take me to only one place which is success.
In essence, I will start committing myself on being a CTR person because it’s the best I can do for myself and for others. Also, being this kind of person can teach me many more things throughout my journey of life. I also know that if there’s more people like me, then I know that I won’t be alone.