“Enthusiasm makes the difference”
~Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Enthusiasm makes a big difference in our Daily Lives. How? Well, when you start your day- everyday, what you do depends on your mood. For example, if you woke up in a super good mood, you make breakfast for yourself and maybe for someone else. When you wake up in a unpleasant mood however, you don’t even want to talk to anyone. Your day starts and goes off by what you decided to do. If you decided to be lazy, probably you got nothing done. If you decided to be interactive and proactive you probably got what you wanted to get done, done. You only live life once, and by not being enthusiastic or anything, you’re wasting a day that you won’t get back ever again. So, for a good advice, I can advise you to work hard and work smart, with encouragement. No matter what happened or what’s on your mind, we still have to keep our day going, so might as well do it with Enthusiasm.