Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation

         To start, the things mostly appreciated in this class are the manners we learn to share. In other classes students seem different as in they don't know how to behave. However, in this class, student act respectfully not only to the teacher but also to their classmates. I really likes this because I can see what we have learn developing in other students and in myself. This class teaches us that we can be different or at least try every day, harder and harder.
            Some things I didn't like about this class was that I couldn't fully agree to everything Mr. Haymore said. It made me think twice about my own beliefs and self teachings but I don't know if this was right. Right now I have decided that I can think my own way, and go to my self-beliefs but still be respectful for his ideas. It doesn't matter if we are both different, both of our opinions still matter.
            I recommend for Mr. Haymore to improve on his actions and tasks and less on his words. I agree that teaching students about this specific subject is incredibly great, but students want more to do and for him to show us what's best to do, instead of having to hear it. Most thing are hard for us teens to hear and believe. Also, there are some sayings that what comes to one ear comes out through the other. Definitely, his teaches are great and are capable of improving one's life, but to give it a push I would recommend this.
            A highlight for me in this class was the way Mr. Haymore is convinced as he teaches. Most teachers teach because that's there job, but in this case it looks as if this is his passion. I wouldn’t judge is a teacher wasn’t satisfied with their subject or work, but I also appreciate when they do. Mr. Haymore is one kind man and I love seeing him love his students aswell. I am good at spotting small things, and this is one of the many highlights I’ve seen,
           I believe that I did do my best in this class. Although this was an easy class for me, I am sure there would be other students who wouldn’t even try to pass it. This is my 3rd Block class, and also my elective. This block gives me a chance to find or think about my future. I can right goals for myself. I can also see this more than just an education class, I can see it as a one more step to my life.
              I am also reading and writing on my Life Planning Goals Journal at least five minutes daily and reporting them to my E-Portfolio. This journal is where I make and think about goals I want to accomplish in my life. Some of these goals are either educational, familiar, or for myself. At the end all of these goals take me to only one place which is success.
               In essence, I will start committing myself on being a CTR person because it’s the best I can do for myself and for others. Also, being this kind of person can teach me many more things throughout my journey of life. I also know that if there’s more people like me, then I know that I won’t be alone.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016



Honesty is what is most needed to create trust with one another. There are so many people that cannot be trusted for the reason that they always lie or do things to lose our trust. In the video presented to us, I learned that when you’re honest, you can be disgracing some people but what matters is to whom you’re doing it for. Always think about why and how you got to understand honesty,. this way you will think smarter and be more proactive on your actions and words. It’s never too late to but all those bad memories behind and start something fresh and new.

Student Success Statement

“When you tell one lie, it leads to another”
~Paul Hatch

You’re afraid that the truth will hurt you, so you make up a lie to try to make it better instead. However, did you know that lying can get you into more trouble than telling the truth? In almost every case, people who lie don’t really think about what’s next. So what IS next? Well, another lie. You can’t lie and expect for the truth to come out like nothing, of course, you can try to and in this case will be doing the right thing. On the other hand, if you lie and can’t seem to say what’s actually true, then you will end up falling in the tramp again and find yourself lying to whomever the person is. In my opinion, I think it’s better for all of us to just forget about lying and trust one another more. This way of living life can make things so much better, easier, and honorable. In conclusion, it’s good to think twice before lying or doing anything bad in general.

Friday, December 9, 2016

“The Sting of the Scorpion”

This story talks about Patrick Kearon, of a story in his childhood. He explains of the remembrance of his parents always telling him to wear his shoes, whenever and  wherever he went. His story then led to where his disobedience came, where he was lazy and didn’t think straight. He started wearing flip-flops instead of his real closed shoes. He knew it was wrong and that his parents had told him to wear the correct shoes all the time, but he didn’t exactly know why. It then came where he started walking and suddenly received a very painful sting on his toe. He realized the Scorpion under him had caused this so he immediately cried for help. His parent took him to the hospital rushingly. After that, he received good help from his doctor and by this time he’s learned his lesson. His story gave a great example of people who can't make the right choices and do the wrong movements. Sometimes it can be the cause of laziness or just for the fun of ourselves. Patrick didn't only affect himself in disobeying, but also his parents. Ruining and interrupting a good camping vacation with terrible news of his. This can also relate to us when we don't only hurt ourselves with the bad decisions we make, but we also hurt others. After he learned his lesson, he also learned why he had to wear his shoes. We all need to realize our mistake at the end and make everything better by figuring out why is exactly what we are doing wrong.

Student Success Statement

“Always do Right.”
~Mark Twain

“Always do right” is a short best advice statement. There is almost nothing much said in this statement, but much to understand  of it. For example, doing the right can be seen in many ways like helping someone when they fall, or doing your chores even when no one tells you too, or making right choices instead of the bad ones. It doesn’t matter where or what the situation is, choosing the right is always going to be your answer to success. Choosing the right takes you to the path of success and greatness. However, making the wrong decision can cause a pain in the heart later on. Now, the only thing left to do is to think about the right choices, or the wrong choices and their price. No one ever wants to regret something they cannot change that could’ve been avoided. This empty feeling  inside the heart where all you can do is think and remember and make the right choice this time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Student Success Statement

“It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company”
~George Washington

From this quote, I can take a long lasting advice, even for everyone. This quote is saying that if it means to do good and escape the bad, but in the need to be alone it is all worth it. This quote also says that it doesn’t matter if your “friends” seem good and nice from the outside, it will always pass on to the next, until the bad gets to you. It also says that you can never trust bad company, not even for a moment. So in the end, you have to get away from those who put evil and bad decisions in your mind, and just stay alone until you figure out what’s right for you. No one ever said making decisions was going to be easy anyways
World War Ⅱ

History: December 7,1941

  • The Dates for World War Ⅱ are September 1, 1939- September 2, 1945

  • World War 2 was fought between two groups of countries. On one side were the Axis Powers, including Germany, Italy and Japan. On the other side were the Allies. They included Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America.

  • World War 2 took place across the Globe.

  • Some events that happened during World War 2 are….
                                         ~3 Sep 1939, Invasion of Poland Marks
                                         ~1 Jul 1940, Battle of Britain
                                         ~22 Jun 1941, Germany Invades USSR
                                         ~May 8 1945, victory in Europe Day

  • At Wounded Warrior Homes they celebrate our veterans everyday. They provide transitional housing and comprehensive support to veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) to support them as they reintegrate from combat to civilian life. Veterans day gives everyone a chance to celebrate what we do, and the veterans we help, with the whole country.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges Teens Face Today

  • In this generation, I believe that our teens are facing more problems than the adults. Everyone sees youth as a problem but also a phase. No one “understands” them and no one really “cares”. However, several of the many major challenges teens face today is the rejection of their parents, or in general, from any adult, supervisor, or counselor.

  • My major challenges that I fear in this era is my mental disorder. I don’t think this is specifically towards teens, but there is a higher rate of it. Dysphoria is not something easy to deal with, especially when others don’t know about it, and do the exact contrary of what you want them to do. Life is never going to be easy on us all the time, but it’s not going to be difficult forever.

  • Any challenges that come to anyone can be easily resolved and fixed. The only thing we need to cooperate in is our willing to work and stay strong no matter what comes in our way. The first thing is to be and think like a CTR person everywhere we go. This helps us remember that it doesn’t matter how bad or damaged we can be, the feelings and lives of others still matter.

  • The only advice I can give out to those who need it is that, I know it’s difficult to understand things in these situations, but I know that even if it takes its time nothing will last forever. This concludes with giving hope to those who desperately want to be awaken by the light, the light is close to come.

  • The greatest need that teens have is love. This also goes to everyone, but I believe that teens want reality more than anything, and not having love is like being dead. The love they need is strong that they’d do anything to get it. The love that their parents doesn’t give them, kills them. The love of that friend that doesn't give them, kills them. They only want to find that person who will, and when they’ve finally found, their world is restored.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Physical Fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong”
~ Ex President John F. Kennedy

I believe that John Kennedy is talking about how to make your brain act and think better. Eating healthy and staying hydrated makes your brain stronger therefore it is also smarter and more energetic. Without these things in your life, you become sick and lazy, which all of these add up to not-so-smart. However, I believe that everyone should live, eat, and exercise however and whenever they choose to because it is their lifestyle. At the end, everything can just be a myth. You can be however you want to be and still be the smartest person in your class. The deal is to not let other people judge you in the way you choose to live your life.
Health Science Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities…
                       Health science librarians are skilled at producing detailed bibliographies related to many different health fields, as well as publications and abstracts. Their primary task is to use their access to extensive national networks to locate books, journals, and articles a customer may need, no matter where it is in the country. They are employed in various settings like health organization libraries, health information centers, pharmaceutical companies, and medical schools.

                        $66,622 per year.

                       Four-year undergraduate degree in any field. Master of library science degree (MLS) MLS degree from an American Library Association (ALA)-accredited school.

Demand or Need for this profession…
                       An investigation of the manpower requirements of health sciences libraries and of educational programs appropriate to these manpower needs was begun in March 1968. To date, 4,727 libraries have been identified as being used by 14,000 health sciences institutions and programs. Of this total, 2,628 are hospital libraries; 1,328 are health sciences libraries and collections located outside of hospitals; and 771 are academic or public libraries.


                         I think this would be a suitable job for me because I love health and science but I’m afraid of being something big and responsible. For example, being a doctor, nurse, or surgeon would creep my life out. In this case being a Health Science Librarian would be the easiest thing for me.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Kindness is the essence of Greatness”
~Joseph B. Wirthlin
Kindness is the essence of greatness because that’s what makes the spark. In order to be great, or have the title of someone who is great, we need to show that we are. We’re not talking about being famous or becoming a model just to show your “great” here, there is something more than that. This quote tells us the answer, Kindness. As humans we learn more from the bad and not from the good act. The more good we learn to do, the greater we become from the inside. This also encourages others to do the same, so it’s a win-win action.
Thanksgiving Week
Well to start off, this thanksgiving week was a week full of memories. I know this isn’t the first time I celebrate Thanksgiving with my family, but I just never get tired of it. I always love the experience I have, and all the fun I get to join into. Meeting and sharing with my family great happiness is so wonderful. You get to laugh, smile and enjoy your day beautifully. You also get to see your family like your aunt, uncle, grandma, and cousins all join in the fun and have a great time all together. We all know this isn’t a thing you get to see everyday, right? It’s all so wonderful to live and even to think of it. You want to stay in that positive mood, and how? There’s your answer. Go have fun it’s never too late and it’s never wrong. My Thanksgiving Week gave me time to think of how grateful I am to have my family by my side. I believe everyone should be able to do the same thing, and even if you have only a few members of your family, be thankful that. We always have to see the good side of what God gave us, and what we have top ourselves.

My Experience…

  • I celebrated Thanksgiving with my family at my grandma’s house.
  • I watch the first 8 episodes of Season 1 of Once Upon a Time.
  • I found a watch in the floor but so it fell off someone, so I returned it to its owner.
  • I Finished my English, Math, and History Homework.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Manners maketh Man.”
~William Wykeham

  • I believe that manners maketh man means that manners are what create someone. For example, being able to talk and ask for something politely makes you look like someone with respect and someone who is nice. However, asking for thing rudely makes you seem like an aggressive person. So, things all comes down to the point where we all have to act the way we want to be seen, and treat others the way we want to be treated. This way, we wouldn’t care how people see us but at least we don’t have to worry about being seen as a bad person. To conclude, having people treat you nice is a great feeling, so might as well treat others nice so they feel what you want back. I also think this is a good positive way of communicating with people.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Student Success Statement

“If it’s not right, don’t do it; if it’s not true don’t say it.”
~Marcus Aurelius

As Marcus Aurelius says, we should is obviously the best and the good for us. If we already know that what we’re planning to do is wrong, then we should think twice about not doing it. If we know that what we’re about to say is not true, then we also shouldn’t hesitate on taking it back and just straight out tell the truth. An example can be when we think that because our friends are doing something cool, we want to try it as well. However, deep inside we already know that it’s not the right thing to do because you’ve been told before. Unlike when we’re afraid of telling the truth when we’ve done something wrong, but instead of choosing the right thing to do, we lie. All of these start with dealing on starting with the end in mind. If you don’t think first of what would happen at the the end with all the things you're doing right now, then you’ll never understand on how to choose or make the right choices.
Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving: The expression of gratitude, especially to God.

History of Thanksgiving:
~In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies.

Thanksgiving Traditions

~Each year Americans in the United States celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday on the fourth Thursday of November. Most families follow traditions begun on the first Thanksgiving, but many have their own traditions that they follow each year. Here are some of the common traditions associated with "Turkey Day."
  • Spending time with family.
  • Traditional foods include: Turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce.
           Dessert: Popular pie flavors are pumpkin, pecan, sweet potato, and apple.
(Some people eat vegetarian turkey, which is made out of tofu. Others prefer to eat squash, salads, or other fruit and vegetable dishes.)
  • Some families include breaking the turkey's wishbone as part of their celebration. The wishbone is found attached to the breast meat in the turkey's chest. After the meat has been removed and the wishbone has had a chance to become dry and brittle, two people each take one end of the bone, make a wish, and pull. Whoever ends up with the larger part of the bone gets their wish!
  • Many generous folks use Thanksgiving as an opportunity to help the less fortunate. Some people volunteer to serve food at homeless shelters on Thanksgiving Day and others donate to shelters or participate in canned food drives.
  • Television also plays a part in Thanksgiving celebrations. Many families watch the New York City Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The parade includes marching bands, floats, songs and performances from Broadway musicals, and giant helium-filled balloons! People may also enjoy televised football games.

~To me, there are many  things I am thankful for. I can start by saying that I am thankful to God for giving me a chance to live, and giving me a great family. Also, I’d like to thank my family for always being supportive and understanding of how I am and I’m becoming. This gives me great enthusiasm to live a better and greater life. I also want to thank my friends and my best friend Aylin for always always always being there when I needed them. They were supportive of me when I came out, and they never fail to bring a smile to my face. Another person I would like to thank is my closer friend, ‘almost sister’. She understands me in my most lowest times, and I’m thankful for her and her existence. Even if she thinks no one’s there for her at times, she doesn’t know I’m always thinking about her. I love all my friends and family, but some people you just love them over the board. You feel that special loving they give you and that’s a feeling I’d recommend for the ones who think are not capable of loving anyone. I’m also thankful for my teachers, tutors, counselors, advisors, companions, classmates, and even the strangers I see...All of these wonderful people make up this world and I included everyone because no one has to be left behind. Everyone is important and everyone has a role to accomplish in this world. All that the world needs is peace and understanding of what being thankful mea

Monday, November 14, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing”
~Chick Moorman
This quote is telling us that it doesn’t matter what happens at the end, whether you win or lose. All that matters is how you do things, in the honorable way or in the wrong way. If you do things fairly and right, you will always win as a good person, ‘CTR’. However, when you cheat or do things that are not correct, you think you’d win but you’ve actually failed as a good student. This brings us to think how we should be acting and how we should be thinking.

Being able to do things right makes us feel better because we can do things in our own now, but if we start all over again and go the wrong direction, it messes our path. To conclude, this statement can bring flashbacks once read. For example, maybe you cheated on a class work or on a test and at the end you thought you’ve succeeded. Never did you know that you were doing wrong, but now is the time to realize our mistakes and start doing what you know is right.

Veterans Day

What is Veterans Day?
                   It is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954.         

When is it?
                   It is held in November 11

What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
                   This holiday started as a day to reflect upon the heroism of those who died in our country's service, and was originally called Armistice Day. It fell on Nov. 11 because that is the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. However, in 1954, the holiday was changed to "Veterans Day" in order to account for all veterans in all wars.
Why is it important to show honor on veterans day?
                   It is important to continue honoring veterans because it is a way of acknowledging the sacrifices they have made while serving their country.Without the service of veterans, Americans may not have the freedoms they do today.
Ways to Honor/Respect our Veterans on that day/any day:

  • Visit a wounded veteran at the hospital.
  • Offer your home repair skills to a veteran or military family.
  • Create an online neighborhood user group that can be used to share information about neighborhood activities, recommend reliable repair companies, and find babysitters. An online group may also help identify the needs of your neighbors.
  • Volunteer your financial, legal, or career expertise via MilServe.
  • Deliver a meal or care packages to veterans.
  • Help a veteran tell their story through a project such as the Veteran's History Project. You can download a VHP field kit from the Library of Congress website.
  • Volunteer with an organization, such as Canine Companions for Independence, that provide therapy dogs to veterans.
  • Offer a vet a ride by volunteering with the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) organization, which provides free transportation to men and women unable to travel to VA medical facilities on their own.
  • Visit and use keyword “veterans” to find more opportunities to serve our nation's veterans.
  • Say “Thank You”.

I believe that November 11 should me more than just being thankful to them. I believe it should be more than just one day, and some kind words. I truly believe they deserve way more than what we give to them that day, but it is y to thank them.

I think Veterans Day is a great way to support our veterans. This way we can show them how much we appreciate them for their work they’ve done for us and for their sacrifices. These are our heroes and sometimes our heroes get killed in battles and we don't even pay attention to how it affects their family. Well I do appreciate the marines and everyone who fights for our country. I think what they need is more protection and more time with their family. It’s not fair for them to be out there risking all they have, and us here not being appreciative enough. We all have to stand together as a country, not only as the marines, air force, navy, or veterans.
Image result for veteransImage result for veterans