Monday, November 14, 2016

Veterans Day

What is Veterans Day?
                   It is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954.         

When is it?
                   It is held in November 11

What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
                   This holiday started as a day to reflect upon the heroism of those who died in our country's service, and was originally called Armistice Day. It fell on Nov. 11 because that is the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. However, in 1954, the holiday was changed to "Veterans Day" in order to account for all veterans in all wars.
Why is it important to show honor on veterans day?
                   It is important to continue honoring veterans because it is a way of acknowledging the sacrifices they have made while serving their country.Without the service of veterans, Americans may not have the freedoms they do today.
Ways to Honor/Respect our Veterans on that day/any day:

  • Visit a wounded veteran at the hospital.
  • Offer your home repair skills to a veteran or military family.
  • Create an online neighborhood user group that can be used to share information about neighborhood activities, recommend reliable repair companies, and find babysitters. An online group may also help identify the needs of your neighbors.
  • Volunteer your financial, legal, or career expertise via MilServe.
  • Deliver a meal or care packages to veterans.
  • Help a veteran tell their story through a project such as the Veteran's History Project. You can download a VHP field kit from the Library of Congress website.
  • Volunteer with an organization, such as Canine Companions for Independence, that provide therapy dogs to veterans.
  • Offer a vet a ride by volunteering with the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) organization, which provides free transportation to men and women unable to travel to VA medical facilities on their own.
  • Visit and use keyword “veterans” to find more opportunities to serve our nation's veterans.
  • Say “Thank You”.

I believe that November 11 should me more than just being thankful to them. I believe it should be more than just one day, and some kind words. I truly believe they deserve way more than what we give to them that day, but it is y to thank them.

I think Veterans Day is a great way to support our veterans. This way we can show them how much we appreciate them for their work they’ve done for us and for their sacrifices. These are our heroes and sometimes our heroes get killed in battles and we don't even pay attention to how it affects their family. Well I do appreciate the marines and everyone who fights for our country. I think what they need is more protection and more time with their family. It’s not fair for them to be out there risking all they have, and us here not being appreciative enough. We all have to stand together as a country, not only as the marines, air force, navy, or veterans.
Image result for veteransImage result for veterans

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