Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Doing what you want because it feels right, doesn't mean it feels right for others"
~Levi Escobar
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This quote means that even if you feel that you'e doing the right thing, doesn't mean it is. Everyone's' feelings matter in the situation, so doing what YOU feel is right can be wrong. For example, your mom might say that you're not allowed to dirty your clothes because your're going to get a picture taken. However, your neighbor comes over wanting to play or hangout outside. Unfortunately, you see that his clothes aren't new or clean, so you think that the right thing might be to get as far away from him as much as you can. These are your thoughts and feeling, but looking into your neighbor's it seems that he/she feels like you are rejecting them. Worry about others too, they are much more important than your opinion.

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